
Lust is a piece directed by La Macana for Pottporus –a platform dedicated since 2007 to hip-hop culture, producing dance pieces, festivals and international meetings, under the direction of Zekai Fenerci in Germany–.

With a mixed group of urban and contemporary dancers, we went through the creation process of Lust. We start with a word, LUST, a verb, WISH, and a redundant phrase, OUR LUST IS WISH. A piece that is what we want it to be. Wanting something is the only thing that moves us, the only thing that keeps us moving. That’s what really drives us.

Directed: by Caterina Varela & Alexis Fernández

Creation: Caterina Varela, Alexis Fernández

Dancers: Oleksandr Korolyov (Sania), Julio Cesar Iglesias Ungo, Lin Verleger, Janis Heldmann, Caterina Varela and Elisa Marschall

Lighting design: Denny Klein

Costume: Annika Träger

Production manager: Zekai Fenardi

Production: Pottporus Renegade

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With the support of:

Pottporus Renegade